What You Need To Know When Enrolling Your Child In High School

With the end of your child's primary education approaching, most parents of children in year six are now looking to the future and planning for the next part of their schooling to take place. High school can be an intimidating environment for children and parents alike, and knowing how to get the ball rolling in this area is nerve-wracking to say the least. However, it is a relatively simple process once you get the hang of it, and there are many resources to help you out. Here are a few key points you need to know about high school enrolment.

Intake Area

When it comes to public schools, the easiest way to find a school that suits your needs is to look up the intake area you are in. This intake area is decided on a few factors from how populated the area you are living in is to the number of other schools in the area and so on. Generally, you will be in the intake area of the school that is physically closest to you (although this is not always the case) and your application to this school will be easier than for schools outside of your intake area. Sometimes you may fit into a couple of different intake areas and can choose after you tour the school sites. 

Special Requirements

There are a few different types of schools that offer additional support in one of five main areas: sporting excellence, technology, language needs, creative passion and academic aptitude. These are more selective schools where your child may be asked to undertake an additional test if they want to attend. High school enrolment in these schools is more heavily sought after because they are limited, so it is best to look into this as early as possible if you think your child would be a good fit.

Private Schools

Finally, private schools are also found quite commonly across every state and territory in the country. The enrolment into these schools varies and may be decided on a number of factors ranging from religion to special needs or even family history with the school. Some simply accept the first to apply and submit payment. Make sure that if you are going to a private school, you meet with someone in the administration beforehand to find out if there are any requirements when joining and what the differences are from public schools so that you can prepare your child for the more unique environment. 

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Give Your Child the Gift of Education Education is one of the best gifts that you can give your child. As well as expanding their minds, education also helps your children to develop skills and gain qualifications that can lead to career opportunities in the future. However, deciding which subjects are best for your children to study and which education programs are most likely to be helpful can be difficult. Our site has all the information you need to help you make decisions about your child's education. Take a look at our posts to learn about the benefits of education. Use our resources to help you find the right educational programs for your child.




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